Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Paradigm Change and Solution for Reservation Issue - Attn: Anti-reservation Students

Continuing on my take on reservations from here.

In today’s media, we see the following types of people,
1. Anti-reservation – the so called forward people
2. Pro-reservation – the so called backward people, who have benefited from reservation
3. Anti-reservation folks from backward classes, and pro-reservation folks from forward classes

Now, of the above, who wants the backward to continue remaining backward? Who is acting as the block in their development?

I say, the answer is 2.


Make a reality check on the ‘2’ people, on how many of them have torn off their Caste certificates after benefiting from reservation in either educational institutions or government jobs.

How many of them have thought “yes, I have benefited from reservation once, it is enough for my family, based on this help provided by the society, I will rise. Now, let the real benefit be passed on to someone else who really deserves it.”

How many of the ‘intellectuals’, or ‘social-justice-champions’, or those ‘habitual-brahmin-bashers’, who flock the internet, newspapers, newsgroups, political stages have really said, “Let me give way for the deserving”.

Even an I.A.S. officer who has benefited through reservation, wants the benefit to be passed on to his children and grand children, irrespective of more deserving people, who need the society to uplift them.

Including some of those anonymous people who have commented on my blog, and who are trying to project anti-reservationists as selfish people, are the real selfish folks who are against development of the backward community.

The student organizers of the anti-reservation protests will have to start looking at the intellectuals supporting reservation from this perspective.

If doctors who got medical seat through reservation, come forward to argue for continuation of reservation, the first thing to be told to them is, ‘Go, tear you caste certificate and those of your children, let the real deserving to use it, and then come forward to talk about uplifting of the backwards in the society.’

The real reason for the backwardness of the so called backward people is their own folks who have moved ahead. The creamy layer is the only block that prevents the real fruit of reservation to reach the section of the society for which it is intended to.

The votes of the creamy layer are also not large in number, when compared to the rest, so why does the government not bring the creamy layer clause in the reservation? The answer is clearly political. If creamy layer clause is implemented, then all the leaders of the so called backwards, and the opinion makers of those classes would loose their unconstitutional, undue privileges, and make way for the real deserving.

And that is the only reason why, all the so called, voices of the pro-reservation in any forum, will oppose the creamy layer, and economic level based reservation tooth and nail. Their intention is NOT to uplift the real backward classes, but to take all the privileges themselves.

Solution for the reservation issue:
The only solution the anti-reservation students can put forward to the Government and accept could be as follows:

Any person who avails of the reservation quota in education or employment exhausts it and their children doesn’t get to enjoy it.

Go to the university, college, Government employment records and implement it right away. Revoke the Caste certificates given to the children of those who have benefited once from the reservation.

Make sure, people from the same community who have not got a chance, get a genuine chance.

By doing this, every year, we reduce the number of people who claim reservations, because with every batch of folks passing out of colleges, or getting jobs in govt, a chunk of people get their Caste certificates Revoked. Thus the % of population in backward category reduces. Hence the % of reservation also goes down. [for. Ex. In case of tamil nadu, 69% becomes 65% in two years, and 60% in 5 years and so on. ]

Immediate Action Points for the student community leaders:
Apart from protesting against reservation, the need of the day is
1. Educating the real backward people about the need for creamy layer clause.
2. Create awareness among the so-far-non-benefited backward people, about the importance of excluding the benefited backwards.
3. Make them understand the real intention of the pro-reservation-elite-backwards, which is highly self-centered, and how ‘bringing-social-equality’ is a lie.
4. Drive the rural-poor-deserving-OBCs to force the elite-OBCs to tear off their caste certificates, which is the only way, their lives will be bettered by reservation.
5. Force the Government to implement the creamy layer clause and exclusion of the already previleged.
6. Understand that increasing the number of seats is not a solution for the current problem.


At Tue May 30, 05:54:00 AM CDT, Blogger Robbie said...

Seems like you are going to get rid of reservations with those powerful pointers...
Yeah I agree, we do have to educate people. I think education is the only way out of the mess India is in (not only reservations but corruption as well)

At Tue May 30, 06:32:00 AM CDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wonderful............I have copy pasted the content from ur blog 7 sent thru email in all directions

At Tue May 30, 03:12:00 PM CDT, Blogger Ganesh said...

TJ sensible post
but will the hypocrites give up their caste ?!

At Thu Jun 01, 03:17:00 AM CDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. "Anyone who gets the reservation benefit should be barred to avail it again" argument is not good. Reservations are also availed to get a Sweeper's job or a clerks job, which by all means does not elevate the status of beneficiary to an'open competitive level'.
2. Moreover, reservation is not the only means to succeed in life. What about backward class businessmen? Can they avail reservation because they have not availed earlier.
3. So right solution is thay ANYONE (irrespective of whether she availed reservation or not), having a threshold economic status should be debarred to avail reservation.
4. And what is that threshold level? It is the creamy layer provision which is already in place for OBC job reservation. The same should be extended in case of all reservation includinf SC/ST reservation.
5. Creamy layer provision are very clear: Among other indicators, one is income, which is presently set at 2.5 lakh per annum. Anyone (IAS/ businessmen/ politician etc) above this limit are not given reservation even now.

At Fri Jun 02, 11:00:00 PM CDT, Blogger Maayaa said...

sensible talk tj

At Sat Jun 03, 05:21:00 AM CDT, Blogger akp said...

I agree with your point that a creamy layer clause can be added.

However, I differ in some of your opinions:

1. You cannot ask ppl to tear of their community certificates as of now. You can only ask the govt. to implement a "creamy layer" clause because, even if one tears his certificate the others or not going to do so. So, it will affect him only.

2. You cannot say that economic based reservation can be introduced. Businessmen forge their income. What do you say for this?

3. You have to take a note of the valid point of one of that anonymous commentor who has said about ppl getting jobs as sweepers or clerks using their reservation. Your statistics of tamilnadu BC reservation eligible people % going down might be correct but do you think that it means ppl have got developed? Certainly no.

4. You have not talked anything beyond reservations. Why did you not think beyond that and say that reservation has to be abolished? Don't you think that by promising reservation to say rural people [there is a rural quota in TN Engg. admissions], the government is indirectly telling that it is not going to take care about those places? Don't you think the best way for development is not reservation but improving the government educational institutions?

5. And, you had said in your previous post that in TN people do not protest because majority of the ppl enjoy reservation. Now, I was discussing the reservation issue with my classmate and I asked why only Medical students are protesting? He said, it is simple, if Engg. students go on strike no one will bother but if doctors go on strike ppl get affected. Now, if those doctors had been in Engg. students would they have joined in the agitation? certainly NO. In that way everyone is selfish.

And, believe me there are many who are not "bramin-bashers". And, there are some brahmins who deserve a bashing... I have heard of brahmins who think that their plates become unholy if some other caste person touches it...

NB: Since I have written so many points in disagreement, it does not mean that I am against the contents of your blog... it was nice.

At Mon Jun 05, 07:16:00 PM CDT, Blogger Maayaa said...

you have been tagged!!

At Tue Jun 06, 08:03:00 AM CDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous's comments -Ther has to be an economic threshold for reservations and that is probably the best way to go about it. If we continue making reservations on the basis of caste it just further divides the country on the basis of caste. I agree that educations is the obly way to solve a majority of problems that our country faces but resrvations on the basis of cast is not the solutions. Also it is highly impractical to do what your are suggesting ie people who have used the reservation sytems tearing up their certificate - it will be a tracking nightmare and will just lead to more bureaucracy

At Sun Jun 11, 12:17:00 AM CDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good blog.

The real issue is : the lack of data pre-empts any rational discussion of the quota system.

The discussions are always kept at an "emotional plane" - this is convenient for politicians because the discourse at this plane is much more appealing and easier.

They are scared, really scared of hard data.

If you look at the OBC quota, you will find that only 2-3 OBC communities (representing < 15% of the total OBC populaton) corner anywhere from 50% of jobs and 80% of professional courses seats. (This report is from the second backward classes commission).

That is the real issue, many OBC communities corner the benefits year after year, generation after generation.

At Thu Jun 15, 03:44:00 AM CDT, Blogger TJ said...

Robbie, Ganesh,priya, akp, realtycheck, weedwanderer and anons;

Thanks for your valuable comments. Though there is no all correct perspective in this issue, common ground would be to remove the reservation at a later point of time. It is definity not a right. It is a concession!!

At Mon Jun 19, 03:29:00 AM CDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...


தமிழ் ஜாதிசார் இடஒதுக்கீடு எதிர்ப்பு வலைப்பதிவு
வெல்க தமிழ்


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